Whether you’re new to basketball or have been playing for years we’ve got you covered

Our Story:
Nuneaton Predators was Created in 2015 as a small community project to help get young people from the Local Community into Basketball.
'Preds' has continued to grow in size from year on year. We now offer sessions for players from under 9 years old all the way up to our Mens teams, entering teams into competitions in the 'Youth Basketball League' and the 'Warwickshire Basketball League.'
In 2022 we began our all Girls sessions, providing an enjoyable space for young girls to fall in the love with game of Basketball
We Continue to grow, and are always looking for new players to join the club #WE'RE ON THE HUNT!
Get in touch to enquire about our Teams or take a look at information regarding our Youth Basketball Open Sessions.
All newcomers are always Welcome